Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How can I control my diabetes through my diet?
Type 2 diabetes typically occurs in people over 40, but it appears to be emerging at a younger and younger age. It occurs when the tissues are no longer sensitive to insulin which means blood glucose levels stay high.
Consistently raised blood sugar levels can lead to the complications including heart disease, kidney problems and nerve damage - which is why blood sugar control is so important.
At one time a diet low in carbohydrate was advocated as the only way to control diabetes, but the side effect was a suicidally high proportion of dietary fat. Now we know that carbohydrates, especially the slower-releasing sorts like pasta, lentils, whole grain breads are in fact an important part of the diet.
Eating little and often is the more important factor in stabilising blood sugar levels than avoiding every trace of sugar. In fact some sugar, such as sucrose, or table sugar, can be easily incorporated into a diabetic diet as long as it is part of a meal.
Foods you should avoid, particularly between meals are the fast-releasing carbohydrates, such as glucose-rich drinks and sweets.
Other foods to eat less of are white bread, sugary breakfast cereals, sweet biscuits, tropical fruit such as bananas, baked and mashed potatoes, long grain rice rice.
Instead substitute with bread containing lots of whole grains, All-Bran, Sultana Bran or Special K, biscuits made with dried fruit and whole grains such as oats, temperate climate fruits such as apples and stone fruit, pasta or pulses and basmati rice.


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