Friday, October 16, 2015

How to Lose Fat Fast


The most effective way for how to lose fat fast isn't complicated. Here’s what it takes to get a leaner, fitter body.

The first thing you've to realize when it comes to losing fat is that fat loss isn't the same as weight loss. It’s actually pretty easy to lose a lot of weight quickly –. Just go on a very low calorie diet. The problem is, very low calorie diets cause you to lose primarily water and muscle, not body fat. This is because our bodies are genetically programmed to defend against starvation. So when calories are drastically reduced, the body will slow down metabolism, start using muscle for energy. Start holding on to its fat stores. This why someone who's lost weight by drastically reducing calories will look soft and weak –. They’ve lost mainly water and muscle and still have a high percentage of body fat.

So now that you realize very low calorie diets aren't the way to lose fat, what's the best way to lose fat?

The best way to lose fat is by following an effective fat burning program that involves creating a calorie deficit using a combination of fat burning nutrition and exercise (both aerobic exercise and weight training). Body fat is stored energy. To get rid of it you've to burn more energy (calories) than you consume.

Fat burning nutrition involves cutting back on calories, not drastically reducing them. It involves following a healthy eating plan that creates a calorie deficit without starvation. Fat burning nutrition is also a personalized way of eating that’s based on you as an individual –. Your body type, your genetics, your metabolism –. What mix of protein, carbohydrate and fat works best for you. Fat burning nutrition isn't a temporary way of eating like a diet is, it’s a permanent way of eating you can continue to follow even after you lose body fat.

With regard to exercise, both aerobic exercise and weight training are equally important when it comes to losing fat. Aerobic exercise burns calories. Weight training builds lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you've the higher your metabolism will be. A higher metabolism will cause your body to burn more calories 24/7.

And for any of you ladies reading this, don’t be worried that if you start lifting weights you’re going to build big, bulky muscles. Women don’t have enough of the hormone testosterone (a key hormone for building muscle) to develop big, bulky muscles. Weight lifting will give you a strong, firm, toned body, not a big, bulky body.

When you combine fat burning nutrition with aerobic exercise and weight training, each one complements and enhances the others, resulting in maximum fat loss in a healthy and safe way.

So now that you know what the best way to lose fat is, how fast should you realistically expect to lose fat?

Your goal should be to lose one to two pounds of fat per week. No more than 1% of total body weight (i.e., you could aim for three pounds per week if you weigh 300 pounds). This is the recommendation of almost every legitimate and respected dietician, nutritionist, exercise physiologist and personal trainer, as well as exercise organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Dietetic Association.

In conclusion, when it comes to how to lose fat fast, the formula is actually pretty simple. If you consistently follow a fat burning program that combines fat burning nutrition, aerobic exercise and weight training, you’ll not only lose fat, you’ll also improve your overall health and fitness.

If you’re looking for a proven fat burning program, check out Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. It’s arguably the best fat burning program on the market.

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